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Why The Thought Of Grooming My Natural Hair Scares Me


These past months I have been in a dilemma on what to do with my hair. I can't put an age to the first time I relaxed my hair but I have been doing it ever since then. When the wave of embracing the natural state of your hair came, I paid no mind to it. I just felt let's continue doing what we were doing before no need to change.  

Recently, my sister resolved to go natural.  I had mixed reactions hearing this. I too had not relaxed my hair in months but I was planning to. But the thought of going natural was both appealing and scary. I watched a bunch of videos and decided to join the texlaxed hair group. But an inkling pointed out that I was not being honest with myself. I like the thought of going natural but! I have this irrational fear that the hair would turn out ugly or I will look unkempt wearing my hair in its natural state. 

This irrational fear spans from years of observing and being told that the best hair care is having your hair permed and people who do not do this are regarded unkempt or just do not know how to take care of their hair. So, even when the relaxer scalds are scalp we do it again because it is the only routine we knew. Even the hairdressers served as reminders. When we go to the salon to plait our hair in neat rows for school, the hairdresser while combing the hair roughly would say,' your hair is due, tell your mommy to relax it'.  

An article I read a few days ago about hair being art really hit me and sort of put things into perspective (you may read the full article here).  After reading this article, I realized that I love my hair, but at the same time I don't love my hair. Also, I have never considered hair to be an art I have only viewed hair as something on your head that makes you look 'neat'. By neat I mean permed. 

So I have decided to go natural, even though my mother disapproves. If for anything I will take on the journey to show my mom that Natural hair can be managed and can look great. With that being said I will be needing all the recommendations and advice I can get. Share your hair routine and product recommendations and useful tips. You know what they say about sharing! 


  1. Your natural hair looks very nice. I found your blog on YouTube and I love your book recommendations for September, so thanks for those. I am in the southeastern USA and it gets very hot here in summer. I like mixing tea tree and peppermint oils with water and misting my hair with it so it won't dry out.


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