Here is a thought! Why do Nigerians love answers especially when bad things happen? In the olden days, prior to the colonial masters and even after the colonial masters came to Africa, our forefathers practised divination, poured a libation to the ancestors and tried to find out why certain predicaments befell the people. They got answers quite alright. With the witches taking the bulk of the blame or it was the god’s way of helping them find their way back and rethink their decisions. When the people left the way of their fathers after much persuasion from the foreigners. How did the foreigners do this? By demonising the way the people worshipped. So the people accepted the new religion but it did not stop their curiosity. It only doubled the need for answers. Churches sprang up in all corners. The advertisement employed by these churches pointed to solutions in a bid to attract the people. So you read Marine ...
Short stories, book reviews and all my thoughts.